EDA Interfaces

Converting Hex Files Containing the Initial Memory Content of CAM, RAM & ROM Designs for Use with the ModelSim Software

You can generate a CAM, RAM, or ROM function (e.g., altcam, lpm_ram_dq, lpm_ram_io, lpm_rom,scfifo, dcfifo, altdpram, and csdpram) from the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager and specify Verilog HDL as the type of output file to generate. If you are using a Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex), you must convert that file into a format that can be used with the Model Technology ModelSim® software by using the convert_hex2ver utility.

(For PCs) If you are using ModelSim OEM version 5.5b software, you can omit this step. If you are using the ModelSim non-OEM version 5.5b software, to specify the convert_hex2ver utility, which is located in the \quartus\eda\mentor directory:


Modify the modelsim.ini file, located in the ModelSim system directory, by adding the following line in the [vsim] section:

Veriuser = \<dll directory>\convert_hex2ver.dll

(For UNIX and Linux workstations) To convert Verilog HDL CAM, RAM, or ROM designs into a format that can be used with the ModelSim software:

  1. Copy the convert_hex2ver.c and convert_hex2ver_lib.c files from the /<Quartus® II system directory>/eda/mentor/modelsim directory to the project directory.

  2. Type the following commands at a command prompt:

    gcc -c -I /<ModelSim system directory>/include convert_hex2ver.c convert_hex2ver_lib.c Return

  3. ld -G -B symbolic -o convert_hex2ver.so convert_hex2ver.o convert_hex2ver_lib.o Return

    NOTE If you receive a warning from ld about undefined symbols, you can ignore it.
  4. Modify the modelsim.ini file, which is located in the ModelSim system directory to add the following line in the [vsim] section:

    Veriuser = \<so directory>\convert_hex2ver.so

  5. A compiled version of the convert_hex2ver.so library is available in the /<Quartus II system directory>/eda/mentor/modelsim directory. You can use this library only if you are using ModelSim EE version 5.2e or later software.

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