EDA Interfaces

4. Assign Design Constraints with the LeonardoSpectrum Software

To specify assign design constraints in the LeonardoSpectrum software:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 3. Setting Up a Project with the LeonardoSpectrum Software.

  2. Click the Constraints tab.

  3. At the bottom of the Constraints tab, click one or more of the following tabs to specify different constraints:

    Global tab Specifies constraints for the entire design, such as clock frequency, clock cycle, minimum delays, or global path groups.
    Clock tab Specifies the characteristics of different clocks in the design. Clock specifications include the clock cycle or frequency, pulse width or duty cycle, and clock offset.
    Input tab Specifies the input arrival time and drive characteristics for each input port.
    Output tab Specifies the output required time and load characteristics for each output port.
    Signal tab Specifies signals to be preserved during optimization.
    Module tab Specifies the instance constraints. These are Don't Touch, Optimize for area or delay, and standard or quick Effort.
    Path tab Specifies paths by selecting start points (input ports and registers) and end points (output ports and registers). You can also specify false paths and multicycle paths.
    Report tab Generates a report of the constraints, loads an existing constraint file, or saves current constraints to a file.

  4. In the Constraints tab, click Apply.

  5. To continue with the LeonardoSpectrum design flow, proceed to 5. Generate EDIF Netlist Files with the LeonardoSpectrum Software.

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