
Using Tcl to Perform a SignalProbe Compilation

To perform a SignalProbe compilation on a design with Tcl:  Read This First

  1. If necessary, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Open the Quartus® II Tcl Console window.  Shortcut

  3. To assign SignalProbe pins assignments, use the following syntax at the Quartus II Tcl Console command prompt:

    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> LOCATION <value>
    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> RESERVE_PIN "AS SIGNALPROBE OUTPUT"


    cmp add_assignment chiptrip "" C LOCATION Pin_A2
    cmp add_assignment chiptrip "" C RESERVE_PIN "AS SIGNALPROBE OUTPUT"

  4. To assign SignalProbe sources assignments, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_SOURCE <value>
    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_ENABLE "ON"


    cmp add_assignment chiptrip "" C SIGNALPROBE_SOURCE clock
    cmp add_assignment chiptrip "" C SIGNALPROBE_ENABLE "ON"

  5. To compile the design, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp start SignalProbe [<compilation type>] [<file name>] Enter


    cmp start SignalProbe Enter

  6. If you want to allow the Compiler to route SignalProbe signals by modifying a design's fitting, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_ALLOW_OVERUSE ON Enter


    cmp add_assignment "" "" "" SIGNALPROBE_ALLOW_OVERUSE ON Enter

  7. If you want to compile the routed SignalProbe signals in a normal compilation, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_COMPILATION ON Enter


    cmp add_assignment "" "" "" SIGNALPROBE_COMPILATION ON Enter


To remove SignalProbe sources and assignments from a design with Tcl:

  1. If necessary, open an existing project.

  2. If necessary, open the Quartus II Tcl Console window.

  3. To remove SignalProbe sources assignment, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp remove_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_SOURCE <value>
    cmp remove_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_ENABLE "ON"


    cmp remove_assignment chiptrip "" C SIGNALPROBE_SOURCE clock
    cmp remove_assignment chiptrip "" C SIGNALPROBE_ENABLE "ON"

  4. To remove SignalProbe pins assignments, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp remove_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> LOCATION <value>
    cmp remove_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> RESERVE_PIN "AS SIGNALPROBE OUTPUT"


    cmp remove_assignment chiptrip "" C LOCATION Pin_A2
    cmp remove_assignment chiptrip "" C RESERVE_PIN "AS SIGNALPROBE OUTPUT"

  5. If you want to turn off Automatically route SignalProbe signals during compilation, use the following syntax at the command prompt:

    cmp add_assignment <section_identifier> <source> <destination> SIGNALPROBE_COMPILATION OFF


    cmp add_assignment "" "" "" SIGNALPROBE_COMPILATION OFF

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