LogicLock Regions

Region name

Displays the hierarchy of currently defined LogicLock regions.

Select the LogicLock Regions item at the top of the list to display a summary of LogicLock region assignments for the current compilation hierarchy.

You can view the properties of one or more selected regions in the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box (Tools menu).

If a region contains multiple levels of hierarchy, you can click the + icon to expand the hierarchy. You can drag and drop a region to a new position in the hierarchy. You can use the right button pop-up menu to rename a region, delete a region, or specify the properties of one or more regions.

You can assign nodes and entities to a region by dragging and dropping them from the Node Finder or from the Compilation Hierarchies list in the Project Navigator to a region in this list.

LogicLock regions that contain illegal assignments are displayed in the list in red. You can select a region in the list and use the Repair Branch command (right button pop-up menu) to reset the region's illegal assignments to legal default values.

- PLDWorld -


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