
Actel's ProASIC®3L Family Balances Low Power, Speed, and Low Cost

Dramatically reduced power consumption with up to 350 MHz operation

As geometries shrink and focus on power budgets becomes increasingly important, designers are turning to vendors for low-power solutions. Featuring 40 percent lower dynamic power and 90 percent lower static power than its previous-generation ProASIC3 FPGAs, and orders of magnitude lower power than SRAM competitors, the new flash family combines dramatically reduced power consumption with up to 350 MHz operation. As a result, designers in high-performance market segments, such as industrial, medical, and scientific, now have access to flexible, feature-rich solutions that offer speed, low power, and low cost. The ProASIC3L family also supports the free implementation of an FPGA-optimized, 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M1 processor, allowing system designers to select the Actel flash FPGA solution that best meets their speed and power design requirements, regardless of application or volume. Combined with optimized software tools that use Power-Driven Layout (PDL), this provides instant power reduction capabilities.

ProASIC3L devices incorporate proven Flash*Freeze technology, which allows fast switching (within 1 µs) from an active to a static state. No additional components are required to switch from or to these states, thereby eliminating the need for additional I/Os and clock management circuits. This capability makes dynamic power reduction possible by quickly switching the device in and out of Flash*Freeze mode during periods of inactivity. A ProASIC3L device can operate from a single voltage (from 1.2 V to 1.5 V) and offers secure in-system programming (ISP) for field programming upgrades.

ProASIC3L Family Members A3P250L A3P600L
Tiles (D-FF) 6,144 13,824 24,576 75,264
RAM kbits 36 108 144 504
PLLs 1 1 1 6
I/O Type Std+/LVDS Std+/LVDS Std+/LVDS Pro
I/O Banks 4 4 4 8
1.2 V Typical Flash*Freeze Power (mW) 0.4 0.66 1.06 3.30
Typical Sleep Mode Power (μW), VCCI = 1.5 V 11 11 11 22
Maximum Single-Ended I/O / Differential I/O Pairs
VQ100 68/13      
PQ208 151/34 154/35 154/35 147/65
FG144 97/24 97/25 97/25  
FG256 157/38 177/43 177/44  
FG324       221/110
FG484   235/60 300/74 341/168
FG896       620/310

Flash FPGAsThe ProASIC3L family supports up to 3 million system gates with advanced I/O options, user nonvolatile memory, Level 0 live-at-power-up (LAPU) support, and the industry's most secured AES encryption capability.

To begin your own design with ProASIC3L, you can download and license the FREE Libero Integrated Design Environment (IDE), and review the ProASIC3L Design Handbook for details on architecture and implementation.