RASSP Design For Testability (DFT) Appnote


The RASSP program has significantly benefitted with the development of the DFT Methodology and its application to the Benchmark efforts. RASSP Design For Testability ensures that hardware and software for a signal processing system is testable during all RASSP life cycle phases and that the system complies with all customer supplied requirements. DFT also generates significant economic benefits which reduce the overall life cycle cost of a product. Based upon a singular test philosophy of the DFT methodology the life cycle testability support concept .


This note describes the role of DFT in the RASSP methodology and summarizes the life cycle singular test philosophy, procedures, and tools developed during the RASSP program. Technological and economic benefits produced by application of DFT to signal processing systems is also described and illustrated by examination of two benchmark projects.


1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Introduction

3.0 Technology Description

4.0 Application Example

5.0 References

Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Dennis Basara