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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Tcl and macros

Chapter contents

Tcl features within ModelSim

Tcl References

Tcl commands

Tcl command syntax

if command syntax

set command syntax

Command substitution

Command separator

Multiple-line commands

Evaluation order

Tcl relational expression evaluation

Variable substitution

System commands

List processing

ModelSim Tcl commands

ModelSim Tcl time commands

Tcl examples

Macros (DO files)

This chapter provides an overview of Tcl (tool command language) as used with ModelSim. Macros in ModelSim are simply Tcl scripts that contain ModelSim and, optionally, Tcl commands.

Tcl is a scripting language for controlling and extending ModelSim. Within ModelSim you can develop implementations from Tcl scripts without the use of C code. Because Tcl is interpreted, development is rapid; you can generate and execute Tcl scripts on the fly without stopping to recompile or restart ModelSim. In addition, if ModelSim does not provide the command you need, you can use Tcl to create your own commands.

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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase