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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Macros (DO files)

ModelSim macros (also called DO files) are simply scripts that contain ModelSim and, optionally, Tcl commands. You invoke these scripts with the Macro > Execute Macro (Main window) menu selection or the do command.

Creating DO files

You can create DO files, like any other Tcl script, by typing the required commands in any editor and saving the file. Alternatively, you can save the Main window transcript to a DO file (see "Saving the Main window transcript file" ).

The following is a simple DO file that was saved from the Main window transcript. It is used in the dataset exercise in the ModelSim Tutorial. This DO file adds several signals to the Wave window, provides stimulus to those signals, and then advances the simulation.

add wave ld
add wave rst
add wave clk
add wave d
add wave q
force -freeze clk 0 0, 1 {50 ns} -r 100
force rst 1
force rst 0 10
force ld 0
force d 1010
run 1700
force ld 1
run 100
force ld 0
run 400
force rst 1
run 200
force rst 0 10
run 1500 

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase