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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Saving the Main window transcript file

Variable settings determine the filename used for saving the Main window transcript. If either PrefMain(file) in modelsim.tcl, or TranscriptFile in modelsim.ini file is set, then the transcript output is logged to the specified file. By default the TranscriptFile variable in modelsim.ini is set to transcript. If either variable is set, the transcript contents are always saved and no explicit saving is necessary.

If you would like to save an additional copy of the transcript with a different filename, you can use the File > Save Transcript As, or File > Save Transcript menu items. The initial save must be made with the Save Transcript As selection, which stores the filename in the Tcl variable PrefMain(saveFile). Subsequent saves can be made with the Save Transcript selection. Since no automatic saves are performed for this file, it is written only when you invoke a Save command. The file is written to the specified directory and records the contents of the transcript at the time of the save.

Using the saved transcript as a macro (DO file)

Saved transcript files can be used as macros (DO files). See the do command for more information.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase