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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

set command syntax

The Tcl set command reads and writes variables. Note that in the syntax below the "?" indicates an optional argument.


set varName ?value?   


Returns the value of variable varName. If value is specified, then sets the value of varName to value, creating a new variable if one doesn't already exist, and returns its value. If varName contains an open parenthesis and ends with a close parenthesis, then it refers to an array element: the characters before the first open parenthesis are the name of the array, and the characters between the parentheses are the index within the array. Otherwise varName refers to a scalar variable. Normally, varName is unqualified (does not include the names of any containing namespaces), and the variable of that name in the current namespace is read or written. If varName includes namespace qualifiers (in the array name if it refers to an array element), the variable in the specified namespace is read or written.

If no procedure is active, then varName refers to a namespace variable (global variable if the current namespace is the global namespace). If a procedure is active, then varName refers to a parameter or local variable of the procedure unless the global command was invoked to declare varName to be global, or unless a Tcl variable command was invoked to declare varName to be a namespace variable.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase