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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Interpreting the data

The Performance Analyzer is most helpful in those situations where a high percentage of simulation time is being spent in a particular module. For example, say the Performance Analyzer shows that the simulation is spending 60% of its time in module X. This information can be used to find where module X was implemented poorly and to implement a change that runs several times faster.

More commonly, the Performance Analyzer will tell you that 30% of simulation time was spent in model X, 25% in model Y, and 20% in model Z. In such situations, careful examination and improvement of each model may result in a significant overall speed improvement.

There are times, however, when the Performance Analyzer tells you nothing better than that the simulation has executed in several hundred different models and has spent less than 1% of its time in any one of them. In such situations, the Performance Analyzer provides little helpful information and simulation improvement must come from a higher level examination of how the design can be changed or optimized.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase