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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Viewing Performance Analyzer Results

The Performance Analyzer provides two views of the collected data - a hierarchical and a ranked view. The hierarchical view is accessed by clicking View > Other > Hierarchical Profile (Main window). The ranked view is accessed by selecting View > Other > Ranked Profile.

The Hierarchical view can also be invoked by entering view_profile at the VSIM prompt. In the Hierarchical Profile window, you can expand and collapse various levels to hide data that is not useful and/or is cluttering the data display. Click on a the '-' box to collapse all levels beneath the entry. Click on the '+' box to expand an entry. By default, all levels are fully expanded. In the hierarchical view below, two lines (retrieve.vhd:35 and store.vhd:43) are taking the majority of the simulation time.

The Ranked view can be invoked by entering view_profile_ranked. The modules and code lines are ranked in order of the amount of simulation time used. The two lines that are taking up most of the simulation time - retrieve.vhd:35 and store.vhd:43 - appear at the top of the list under the VHDL module that contains them.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase