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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Getting Started

Performance analysis occurs during the ModelSim run command and is displayed graphically as a profile of simulator performance. To enable the Performance Analyzer, use the profile on command at the VSIM prompt. After this command is executed, all subsequent run commands will have profiling statistics gathered for them. With the Performance Analyzer enabled and a run command initiated, the simulator will provide a message indicating that profiling has started.

The Performance Analyzer is turned off by issuing the profile off command at the VSIM prompt. Any ModelSim run commands that follow will not be profiled.

Profiling results are cumulative. Therefore, each run command performed with profiling ON will add new information to the data being gathered. To clear this data, issue the profile clear command at the VSIM prompt.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase