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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

VITAL compliance warnings

The following LRM errors are printed as warnings (if they were considered errors they would prevent VITAL level 1 acceleration); they do not affect how the architecture behaves.

The first two warnings are minor cases where the body of the VITAL 3.0 LRM is slightly stricter than the package portion of the LRM. Since either interpretation will provide the same simulation results, we chose to make these two cases just warnings.

The last warning is a relaxation of the restriction on reading an internal signal that is not in the sensitivity list. This is relaxed only for the CheckEnabled parameters of the timing checks, and only if it is not read elsewhere.

You can control the visibility of VITAL compliance-check warnings in your vcom transcript. They can be suppressed by using the vcom -nowarn switch as in
vcom nowarn 6. The 6 comes from the warning level printed as part of the warning, i.e., WARNING[6]. You can also add the following line to your modelsim.ini file in the [vcom] VHDL compiler control variables section.

Show_VitalChecksWarnings = 0 

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase