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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

VITAL compliance checking

Compliance checking is important in enabling VITAL acceleration; to qualify for global acceleration, an architecture must be VITAL-level-one compliant. vcom automatically checks for VITAL 3.0 compliance on all entities with the VITAL_Level0 attribute set, and all architectures with the VITAL_Level0 or VITAL_Level1 attribute set. It also checks for VITAL 2000 compliance on all architectures using the vital2000 library.

If you are using VITAL 2.2b, you must turn off the compliance checking either by not setting the attributes, or by invoking vcom with the option -novitalcheck. It is, of course, possible to turn off compliance checking for VITAL 3.0 as well; we strongly suggest that you leave checking on to ensure optimal simulation.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase