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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The delete command removes HDL items from either the List or Wave window.



list | wave [-window <wname>] <item_name>


list | wave

Specifies the target window for the delete command. Required.

-window <wname>

Specifies the name of the List or Wave window to target for the delete command (the view command allows you to create more than one List or Wave window). Optional. If no window is specified the default window is used; the default window is determined by the most recent invocation of the view command.


Specifies the name of an item. Required. Must match an item name used in an add list or add wave command. Multiple item names may be specified. Wildcard characters are allowed.


delete list -window list2 vec2

Removes the item vec2 from the list2 window.

See also

add list, add wave, and "Wildcard characters"

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase