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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

virtual expand

The virtual expand command produces a list of all the non-virtual objects contained in the specified virtual signal(s). This can be used to create a list of arguments for a command that does not accept or understand virtual signals.


virtual expand

[-base] <path>|<wildcard>



Causes the root signal parent to be output in place of a subelement. Optional. For example:

vcd add [virtual expand -base myVirtualSignal] 

the resulting command after substitution would be:

vcd add signala signalb signalc 

Specifies the locations and names of the signals to expand. Required. Any number of paths and wildcards may be used.


vcd add [virtual expand myVirtualSignal]

Adds the elements of a virtual signal to the VCD file.

In the Tcl language, the square brackets specify that the enclosed command should be executed first ("virtual expand ..."), then the result substituted into the surrounding command. So if myVirtualSignal is a concatenation of signala, signalb.rec1 and signalc(5 downto 3), the resulting command after substitution would be:

vcd add signala signalb.rec1 {signalc(5 downto 3)} 

The slice of signalc is quoted in curly braces, because it contains spaces.

See also

virtual signal, Virtual Objects (User-defined buses, and more)

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase