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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


Once a Verilog module is compiled into a library, you can use the vgencomp command to write its equivalent VHDL component declaration to standard output. Optional switches allow you to generate bit or vl_logic port types; std_logic port types are generated by default.



[-help] [-lib <library_name>] [-b] [-s] [-v<module_name>



Displays the command's options and arguments. Optional.

-lib <library_name>

Specifies the pathname of the working library. If not specified, the default library work is used. Optional.


Causes vgencomp to generate bit port types. Optional.


Used for the explicit declaration of default std_logic port types. Optional.


Causes vgencomp to generate vl_logic port types. Optional.


Specifies the name of the Verilog module to be accessed. Required.


This example uses a Verilog module that is compiled into the work library. The module begins as Verilog source code:

module top(i1, o1, o2, io1);
	parameter width = 8;
	parameter delay = 4.5;
	parameter filename = "";

	input i1;
	output [7:0] o1;
	output [4:7] o2;
	inout [width-1:0] io1;

After compiling, vgencomp is invoked on the compiled module:

vgencomp top 

and writes the following to stdout:

component top  
		width           : integer := 8;
		delay           : real    := 4.500000;
		filename        : string  := ""
		i1              : in    std_logic;
		o1              : out   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		o2              : out   std_logic_vector(4 to 7);
		io1             : inout std_logic_vector
end component; 

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase