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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The vdel command deletes a design unit from a specified library.



[-help] [-verbose] [-lib <library_name>] [-all | <design_unit> [<arch_name>]]



Displays the command's options and arguments. Optional.


Displays progress messages. Optional.

-lib <library_name>

Specifies the logical name or pathname of the library that holds the design unit to be deleted. Optional; by default, the design unit is deleted from the work library.


Deletes an entire library. Optional. BE CAREFUL! Libraries cannot be recovered once deleted, and you are not prompted for confirmation.


Specifies the entity, package, configuration, or module to be deleted. Required unless all is used.


Specifies the name of an architecture to be deleted. Optional; if omitted, all of the architectures for the specified entity are deleted. Invalid for a configuration or a package.


vdel -all

Deletes the work library.

vdel -lib synopsys -all

Deletes the synopsys library.

vdel xor

Deletes the entity named xor and all its architectures from the work library.

vdel xor behavior

Deletes the architecture named behavior of the entity xor from the work library.

vdel base

Deletes the package named base from the work library.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase