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Model Technology Inc.

vcd file

The vcd file command specifies the filename and state mapping for the VCD file created by a vcd add command. The vcd file command is optional. If used, it must be issued before any vcd add commands.

Related Verilog task: $dumpfile

Note: vcd file is included for backward compatibility. Use the vcd files command if you want to use multiple VCD files during a single simulation.


vcd file

[<filename>] [-nomap] [-map <mapping pairs>] [-direction]



Specifies the name of the VCD file that is created (the default is dump.vcd). Optional.


Affects only VHDL signals of type std_logic. Optional. It specifies that the values recorded in the VCD file shall use the std_logic enumeration characters of UX01ZWLH. This option results in a non-standard VCD file because VCD values are limited to the four state character set of x01z. By default, the std_logic characters are mapped as follows.

U x W x
X x L 0
0 0 H 1
1 1 - x
Z z

-map <mapping pairs>

Affects only VHDL signals of type std_logic. Optional. It allows you to override the default mappings. The mapping is specified as a list of character pairs. The first character in a pair must be one of the std_logic characters UX01ZWLH- and the second character is the character you wish to be recorded in the VCD file. For example, to map L and H to z:

vcd file -map "L z H z" 

Note that the quotes in the example above are a Tcl convention for command strings that include spaces.


Affects only VHDL ports. Optional. It specifies that the variable type recorded in the VCD header for VHDL ports shall be one of the following:

in, out, inout, internal, ports (includes in, out, and inout); the default is all ports

Note: The -direction argument is obsolete in ModelSim versions 5.5c and later. It is supported for backwards compatibility only. See Resimulating a VHDL design from a VCD file for information regarding its use in earlier versions.


Capture detailed port driver data for Verilog ports and VHDL std_logic ports. Optional. This option only works on ports, and subsequent vcd add (-563) will only accept qualifying ports (silently ignoring all other specified items).

See also

See Value Change Dump (VCD) Files chapter for more information on VCD files. Verilog tasks are documented in the IEEE 1364 standard.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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