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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The splitio command operates on a VHDL inout or out port to create a new signal having the same name as the port suffixed with "__o". The new signal mirrors the output driving contribution of the port.



[-outalso | -outonly] [-r] <signal_name>...



Allows splitio to work on out ports as well as inout ports. Optional.


Allows splitio to work only on out ports. Optional.


Specifies that the port selection occurs recursively into subregions. Optional; if omitted, included ports are limited to the current region.


Specifies the VHDL port. Operates only on inout ports by default; out ports may be specified with the options above. Separate multiple port names with spaces. Required. Wildcards can be used.


The splitio command operates on inout or out ports and silently ignores any other signals specified. The new signals created may be specified in any vsim commands that operate on signals. These signals appear to be out ports to the signal selection options on vsim commands. For example,

splitio /data

creates signal data__o if data is an inout port.

add list data

will list both data and data__o.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase