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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The show command lists HDL items and subregions visible from the current environment. The items listed include:

The show command returns its results as a formatted Tcl string; to eliminate formatting, use the Show command.



[-all] [<pathname>]



Display all names at and below the specified path recursively. Optional.


Specifies the pathname of the environment for which you want the items and subregions to be listed. Optional; if omitted, the current environment is assumed.



List the names of all the items and subregion environments visible in the current environment.

show /uut

List the names of all the items and subregions visible in the environment named /uut.

show sub_region

List the names of all the items and subregions visible in the environment named sub_region which is directly visible in the current environment.

See also

environment, find

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase