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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Files accessed during startup

The table below describes the files that are read during startup. They are listed in the order in which they are accessed.

contains initial tool settings; see "Preference variables located in INI files" for specific details on the modelsim.ini file
location map file
used by ModelSim tools to find source files based on easily reallocated "soft" paths; default file name is mgc_location_map; see "How location mapping works" for more details
contains defaults for fonts, colors, prompts, window positions, and other simulator window characteristics; see "Preference variables located in Tcl files" for specific details on the pref.tcl file
contains user-customized settings for fonts, colors, prompts, window positions, and other simulator window characteristics; see "Preference variables located in Tcl files" for specific details on the modelsim.tcl file

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase