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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

How location mapping works

When a pathname is stored, an attempt is made to map the physical pathname to a path relative to a logical pathname. This is done by searching the location map file for the first physical pathname that is a prefix to the pathname in question. The logical pathname is then substituted for the prefix. For example, "/usr/vhdl/src/test.vhd" is mapped to "$SRC/test.vhd". If a mapping can be made to a logical pathname, then this is the pathname that is saved. The path to a source file entry for a design unit in a library is a good example of a typical mapping.

For mapping from a logical pathname back to the physical pathname, ModelSim expects an environment variable to be set for each logical pathname (with the same name). ModelSim reads the location map file when a tool is invoked. If the environment variables corresponding to logical pathnames have not been set in your shell, ModelSim sets the variables to the first physical pathname following the logical pathname in the location map. For example, if you don't set the SRC environment variable, ModelSim will automatically set it to "/home/vhdl/src".

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase