VHDL and Verilog identifiers
The VHDL identifiers for the component name, port names, and generic names are the same as the Verilog identifiers for the module name, port names, and parameter names. If a Verilog identifier is not a valid VHDL 1076-1987 identifier, it is converted to a VHDL 1076-1993 extended identifier (in which case you must compile the VHDL with the -93 switch). Any uppercase letters in Verilog identifiers are converted to lowercase in the VHDL identifier, except in the following cases:
- The Verilog module was compiled with the -93 switch. This means vgencomp should use VHDL 1076-1993 extended identifiers in the component declaration to preserve case in the Verilog identifiers that contain uppercase letters.
- The Verilog module, port, or parameter names are not unique unless case is preserved. In this event, vgencomp behaves as if the module was compiled with the -93 switch for those names only.
Note: If you use Verilog identifiers where the names are unique by case only, use the 93 switch when compiling mixed-language designs.Examples
Verilog identifier VHDL identifier topmod topmod TOPMOD topmod TopMod topmod top_mod top_mod _topmod \_topmod\ \topmod topmod \\topmod\ \topmod\If the Verilog module is compiled with -93:
Verilog identifier VHDL identifier topmod topmod TOPMOD \TOPMOD\ TopMod \TopMod\ top_mod top_mod _topmod \_topmod\ \topmod topmod \\topmod\ \topmod\
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