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Model Technology Inc.

The Wave window toolbar

The Wave window toolbar gives you quick access to these ModelSim commands and functions.

Wave window toolbar buttons
Menu equivalent
Other options
Load Wave Forma
run a Wave window format (DO) file previously saved with Save Format
File > Load Format
see do command
Save Wave Format
saves the current Wave window display and signal preferences to a do (macro) file
File > Save Format
Print Waveform
prints a user-selected range of the current Wave window display to a printer or a file
File > Print
File > PrintPostscript
cut the selected signal from the Wave window
Edit > Cut
right mouse in pathname pane > Cut
copy the selected signal in the signal-name pane
Edit > Copy
right mouse in pathname pane > Copy
paste the copied signal above another selected signal
Edit > Paste
right mouse in pathname pane > Paste
Add Cursor
add a cursor to the center of the waveform pane
Cursor > Add Cursor
Delete Cursor
delete the selected cursor from the window
Cursor > Delete Cursor
Find Previous Transition
locate the previous signal value change for the selected signal
Edit > Search
(Search Reverse)
keyboard: Shift + Tab
left <arguments>
see left command
Find Next Transition
locate the next signal value change for the selected signal
Edit > Search
(Search Forward)
keyboard: Tab
right <arguments>
see right command
Zoom in 2x
zoom in by a factor of two from the current view
Zoom > Zoom In
keyboard: i I or +
right mouse in wave pane > Zoom In
Zoom out 2x
zoom out by a factor of two from current view
Zoom > Zoom Out

keyboard: o O or -
right mouse in wave pane > Zoom Out
Zoom area with mouse button 1
use the cursor to outline a zoom area
Zoom > Zoom Range
keyboard: r or R
right mouse in wave pane > Zoom Area
Zoom Full
zoom out to view the full range of the simulation from time 0 to the current time
Zoom > Zoom Full
keyboard: f or F
right mouse in wave pane > Zoom Full
Interrupt Wave Drawing
halts any waves currently being drawn in the Wave window
.wave.tree interrupt
reloads the design elements and resets the simulation time to zero, with the option of keeping the current formatting, breakpoints, and WLF file
Main menu:
Run > Restart
restart <arguments>
see: restart
run the current simulation for the default time length
Main menu:
Run > Run <default_length>
use the run command at the VSIM prompt
see: run
Continue Run
continue the current simulation run
Main menu:
Run > Continue
use the run -continue command at the VSIM prompt
see: run
Run -All
run the current simulation forever, or until it hits a breakpoint or specified break event
Main menu:
Run > Run -All
use run -all command at the VSIM prompt
stop the current simulation run
Find First Difference
find the first difference in a waveform comparison
Find Previous Difference
find the previous difference in a waveform comparison
Find Next Difference
find the next difference in a waveform comparison
Find Last Difference
find the last difference in a waveform comparison

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase