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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Using Dividers

Dividing lines can be placed in the pathname and values window panes by selecting File > New Divider (Wave window). Dividers serve as a visual aid to signal debugging, allowing you to separate signals and waveforms for easier viewing.

Dividing lines can be assigned any name, or no name at all. The default name is "New Divider." In the illustration below, two datasets have been separated with a Divider called "Gold." Notice that the waveforms in the waveform window pane have been separated by the divider as well.

After you have added a divider, you can move it, change its properties (name and size), or delete it.

To move a divider - Click and drag the divider to the location you want

To change a divider's name and size - Click the divider with the right (Windows) or third (UNIX) mouse button and select Divider Properties from the pop-up menu

To delete a divider - Select the divider and either press the <Delete> key on your keyboard or select Delete from the pop-up menu

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase