Waveform Editor

More Details About Changing the Grid Size

If you turn on Snap to Grid in Waveform Editor General Options (Options command) or if you choose Snap to Grid (View menu), selections snap to the nearest grid line. If the window is zoomed out very far, not all grid lines are drawn; if the window is zoomed in very far, the Waveform Editor does not draw grid lines that are too close together. However, those grid lines that are not drawn still exist, and selections still snap to them.  More Details

Time bars also snap to grid lines.

If you turn on Snap to Transition in Waveform Editor General Options (Options Command) or if you choose Snap to Transition (View menu), time bars and selections snap to the nearest transition.

If you turn on both Snap to Grid and Snap to Transition, or if you choose both Snap to Grid (View menu) and Snap to Transition (View menu), time bars and selections snap to the nearest grid line or transition.

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