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The Block Symbol File (.bsf) or AHDL Include File (.inc) is saved in the folder that contains the design file represented by the BSF or AHDL Include File.
The Create Symbol Files for Entities in Current File or Create Include Files for Entities in Current File command updates (overwrites) any existing BSF or AHDL Include File, respectively, that represents the current design file.
If you edited the current design file, the Quartus® II software asks whether you want to save the changes before creating the BSF or AHDL Include File. Click Yes to save the edits, or No to discard the edits. If the file is untitled and you click Yes, the Save As dialog box opens, allowing you to save edits to the design file before creating the BSF or AHDL Include File.
The Create/Update > Create Symbol Files for Current File or Create/Update > Create AHDL Include Files for Current File command also runs the syntax-checking portion of the Compiler. The Messages window and the Messages section of the Compilation Report window list any messages the Compiler creates.
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