
project get_assignment_count (Tcl Script API Function)

The project get_assignment_count function has the following format:

Syntax project get_assignment_count <entity> <section_identifier> <source> <destination>


If this assignment is for a particular design entity, the design entity name. If there is no design entity, use empty double quotation marks ("").
If you specify a design entity, the Quartus® II software counts only the assignments in the Entity Settings File (.esf) for the design entity. Otherwise, the Quartus II software counts the assignments in the Project Settings File (.psf) and Project Configuration File (.quartus) for the project, and not the assignments in any ESF.


The name of the section in the ESF, PSF or QUARTUS File from which you want to get a list of assignments. If you want to get a list of assignments for all sections in the PSF and QUARTUS File, or in the ESF, use empty double quotation marks ("").


If required, the first statement in a range of statements that contain the assignment. If there is no range, or you want an assignment count for all statements, use empty double quotation marks ("").


The statement containing the assignment, or, for a range of statements, the last statement in the range. If you want an assignment count for all statements, use empty double quotation marks ("").

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 <count>
TCL_ERROR 1 unable to find entity: <entity>
TCL_ERROR 1 no project is currently open
TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args: should be get_assignment_count entity section_identifier source destination
TCL_ERROR 1 section identifier is required but was not specified
TCL_ERROR 1 section identifier was specified but is not required
TCL_ERROR 1 illegal or missing destination
TCL_ERROR 1 unable to write to disk
Description Returns the number of assignments that exist in the specified statement(s) of the project's current PSF and QUARTUS File or, if you specified a design entity, in one of the project's ESFs.

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