
cmp logiclock_export (Tcl Script API Function)

The cmp logiclock_export function has the following format:

Syntax cmp logiclock_export <file_name> [<export_focus>]


The name of the Entity Settings File (.esf) in which the information is stored.


The full hierarchical path name of the entity instance that has the assignments that are to be exported. If you specify a lower-level entity instance name for this argument, the Quartus® II software exports only assignments that apply to that entity instance and its sub-entities. An optional argument, which defaults to the top-level design entity.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 LogicLock export completed
TCL_ERROR 1 LogicLock export failed
TCL_ERROR 1 project has no active compiler setting
TCL_ERROR 1 no project is currently open
TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args: should be "logiclock_export file_name [export_focus]"
Description Saves all the LogicLock region definitions and assignments applicable to the specified export focus and its sub-entities to the specified ESF. The design must be elaborated before this command is executed. You can perform analysis and elaboration with the command cmp start "" analysis_and_elaboration.

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