Report Window

Overview: Printing the Results of a Compilation or Simulation in the Report Window

With the Print command (File menu), you can print one, some, or all sections of the Report window, or print selected information in an individual section.

To print more than one section without printing all sections, you must mark each of the sections for printing prior to using the Print command. To print one section, you must either mark the section for printing or open the section. To print selected information in a section, you must open the section and select the information you want to print.

NOTE You cannot print selections of certain types of sections. If you select information in one of these sections and choose Print, the Selection within current section option is dimmed to indicate that it is unavailable in the Print dialog box.

With the Page Setup command (File menu), you can change the section settings prior to printing.

If you close and reopen the Report window, the sections you marked for printing prior to closing the Report window remain marked, and the page setup settings for the Report window sections are saved.

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