Report Window

Output Pin Load for Reported TCO (Compilation Report)

Displays information about the I/O standard, load, and termination resistance, measured on the reported tCO for the output pins in the device. This section is omitted if you did not specify a Cyclone, Stratix, or Stratix GX device for compilation.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description Value
I/O Standard Shows the I/O standard for which the tCO was measured. <I/O standard name>
Load Shows the load, in picofarads (pF), measured on the tCO. <load> pF
Termination Resistance Shows the termination resistance, in ohms, measured on the tCO, and the amount of resistance that is parallel and serial, if applicable. Resistance is parallel unless otherwise specified. <resistance> Ohms | Not Available


The following example shows a portion of the Output Pin Load for Reported TCO section generated for a sample design:

Output Pin Load for Reported TCO (Compilation Report)

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