
Show Recently Used Files and Projects on Submenus

When turned on, makes the Recent Files > 1, 2, 3, 4... and the Recent Projects > 1, 2, 3, 4... commands (File menu) available. The Quartus® II software displays cascading menus in the File menu for up to 10 of the most recently used files and up to 10 of the most recently used projects.

You can specify the number of the most recently used files and projects appearing in the cascading menus in the Show <number> recently used files and projects list. The default number is five.

When turned off, The Quartus II software displays lists of the most recently used files and projects in a list within the File menu.

You can specify the number of the most recently used files and projects appearing in the lists in the Show <number> recently used files and projects list. The maximum number is five.

- PLDWorld -


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