
Application & Document Control Menu Commands

Application Control menu commands manipulate windows and icons in all Windows applications. Commands on this menu are available when you click the Quartus® II Application icon (Quartus II icon).

Most of the Document Control menu commands manipulate windows within the Quartus II software. The Jump to URL command (Document Control menu) and the About HTML Help command (Document Control menu) allow you to jump from one Help topic to another, and provide you information about the HTML Help Control version number and copyright, respectively. Commands on this menu are available when you click one of the following Document icons:

      Block Diagram/Schematic File icon     Block Symbol File icon     Floorplan Editor icon     Memory Editor icon     Text Editor icon     Waveform Editor icon     Programmer icon     Report window icon     SignalTap<FONT SIZE='-1'><SUP>®</SUP></FONT> II icon     Assignment Editor icon     Help icon     Web page icon

Command: Action:
Restore Restores a window to its original size after it has been shrunk to an icon with the Minimize command, enlarged with the Maximize command, or resized with the Size command. This command is not available until you change the size of the window.
Move Allows you to move the window to another position on the desktop with the keyboard.
Size Allows you to change the size of the window with the keyboard. This command is not available when the window is minimized.
Minimize Shrinks the active window to a shortened version of its title bar. This command is not available when the window is already minimized.
Maximize Enlarges the active window to its maximum size.
Close Closes the active window.
Next Switches to the next open Quartus II window or icon directly beneath the active window. This command is available in the Document Control menu of all applications (Block Diagram/Schematic File icon  Block Symbol File icon  Floorplan Editor icon  Memory Editor icon  Text Editor icon  Waveform Editor icon  Programmer icon  Report window icon  SignalTap II icon  Assignment Editor icon  web icon) except for the Help window (Help icon).
Jump to URL Displays the URL for the current Help topic file in the Current URL field. Allows you to jump to the URL you specify in the Jump to this URL box for the Help topic file you want to see. This command is available only in the Document Control menu of the Help window (Help icon).

Pointer Click any item in this dialog box for information on that item:

Jump to URL dialog box Current URL Jump to this URL OK Cancel
About HTML Help Displays the HTML Help Control version number and copyright of Quartus II Help for the current copy of the Quartus II software. This command is available only in the Document Control menu of the Help window (Help icon).

Pointer Click any item in this dialog box for information on that item:

About HTML Help dialog box OK HTML Help Component Versions HTML Help Copyright

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