Floorplan Editor

Showing Routing Delays

To show routing delays between selected logic cells, I/O cells, embedded cells, or pins:

  1. If you wish to view the equations and routing information for the current pin, logic cell, or embedded cell assignments shown in the Floorplan Editor, open the Current Assignments floorplan.


    If you wish to view the equations and routing information for the last compilation pin, logic cell, or embedded cell assignments shown in the Floorplan Editor, open the Last Compilation floorplan.


    If you wish to view the equations and routing information for both the current and last compilation pin, logic cell, or embedded cell assignments shown in the Floorplan Editor, open the Timing Closure floorplan.

  2. Select two or more logic cells, I/O cells, embedded cells, or pins that feed one another.

  3. Turn on Routing > Show Paths between Nodes (View Menu).  Shortcut

  4. Turn on Routing > Show Routing Delays (View menu).  Shortcut

To show routing delays to and from a specific logic cell, I/O cell, embedded cell, or pin:

  1. If you wish to view the equations and routing information for the current pin, logic cell, or embedded cell assignments shown in the Floorplan Editor, open the Current Assignments floorplan.


    If you wish to view the equations and routing information for the last compilation pin, logic cell, or embedded cell assignments shown in the Floorplan Editor, open the Last Compilation floorplan.


    If you wish to view the equations and routing information for both the current and last compilation pin, logic cell, or embedded cell assignments shown in the Floorplan Editor, open the Timing Closure floorplan.

  2. Select a logic cell, I/O cell, embedded cell, or pin.

  3. Turn on Routing > Show Node Fan-In (View Menu). Shortcut


    Turn on Routing > Show Node Fan-Out (View Menu). Shortcut

  4. Turn on Routing > Show Routing Delays (View menu). Shortcut

To show routing delays along one or more critical paths:

  1. Open the Current Assignments floorplan, open the Last Compilation floorplan, or open the Timing Closure floorplan.

  2. Specify critical path settings.

  3. Turn on Routing > Show Routing Delays (View menu). Shortcut

To show routing delays along path edges in a critical path:

Checkmark Right click the routing delay on a critical path, and choose Show Path Edges (right button pop-up menu).

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