EDA Interfaces

Building the convert_hex2ver Utility for Use with the NC-Verilog Software

If you generate a CAM, RAM, or ROM function (for example, altcam, lpm_ram_dq, lpm_ram_io, lpm_rom,scfifo, dcfifo, altdpram, and csdpram) from the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager and specify Verilog HDL as the type of output file to generate, and you are using a Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex), you must convert that file into a format that can be used with the NC-Verilog software by using the convert_hex2ver.dll utility. Before you can use the convert_hex2ver utility, you must build it and place it in your project directory by using the NC-Verilog PLI wizard.

To use the NC-Verilog PLI wizard to build the convert_hex2ver utility:

  1. (Optional) Copy the convert_hex2ver.c and veriuser.c source files, which are located in the \quartus\eda\cadence\verilog-xl directory, into your project directory.

  2. Start the NC-Verilog PLI wizard by typing pliwiz  at a command prompt.

  3. In the Select Config Session Name page, type the name of the session in the Config Session Name box and type the path where the convert_hex2ver.dll is to be built in the Config Session Directory box. Click Next.

  4. In the Select Components page, turn on PLI 1.0 Application. Click Next

  5. In the Select PLI Application Linking Mode page, turn on libpli/libvpi. Click Next.

  6. In the Select PLI 1.0 Application's Input page, turn on Existing VERIUSER (source/object file) and source file. In the veriuser.c box, type the path or browse to the location of the veriuser.c source file.

  7. In the Select PLI 1.0 Application Files page, type the path or click Browse to select the location of the convert_hex2ver.c source file. Click Next.

  8. In the Select Compiler and Options page, make sure C is selected in the Select Compiler list. Click Next

  9. The Session Summary page lists the options and files selected in the wizard. Click Finish.

  10. In the Make Target? dialog box, click Yes.

  11. In the Make Targets dialog box, click Close to exit the wizard.

  12. NOTE The PLI wizard creates the libpli.dll file and places it in the project directory. If you want, you can rename the file to convert_hex2ver.dll.

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