EDA Interfaces

6. Analyze Design Results with the FPGA Compiler II Software

You can use the Synopsys® FPGA Compiler II Time Tracker static timing analyzer to display estimated delays of critical paths in your project. This Time Tracker provides timing information and a detailed listing of critical paths.

To use the Time Tracker timing analyzer:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 4. Assign Design Constraints and Optimize Design with the FPGA Compiler II Software and 5. Generate EDIF Input Files with the FPGA Compiler II Software.

  2. Select the design implementation icon in the Chips window and choose View Results (right button pop-up menu) to display the Time Tracker tabs.

  3. Analyze the timing of your design by viewing the different tables within the Clocks, Paths, and Ports Time Tracker tabs:

  4. If necessary, change the design logic or adjust your timing constraints, and re-optimize the design..

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