
More Details about Estimating Power Requirements for HardCopy Designs

The Quartus® II software sends the following information to the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page on the Altera® web site:

You do not have to manually enter this information in the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page when you open the page from the Quartus II software. However, you must manually enter all other relevant information in the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page, including the following information:

After you finish entering information in the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page, click Calculate to direct the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator to estimate power requirements for the current design.

A design must be successfully compiled before the Quartus II software can open the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page for the design. If you successfully compile a design, change any timing requirements for the design, and then want to open the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page, you must first run a timing analysis on the design.

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