
Assignment(s) to Back-Annotate

Allows you to select the assignments that you want to back-annotate:

Device assignments Clears all device assignments from the Compiler Settings File (.csf) and back-annotates the devices used in the last compilation.
Pin & device assignments Clears all pin and device assignments from the CSF and back-annotates device and pin assignments used in the last compilation.
Pin, cell & device assignments Clears all pin, cell, and device assignments from the CSF and back-annotates pin, cell, and device assignments used in the last compilation.
Demote cell assignments to Demotes all cell assignments to LABs, MegaLAB rows, MegaLAB columns, MegaLABs, LABs/ESBs, LABs/EABs, rows, or columns.
Pin, cell, routing & device assignments Clears all pin, cell, and device assignments from the CSF and back-annotates pin, cell, routing, and device assignments used in the last compilation. Stores all routing information in a Routing Constraints File (.rcf).
Region write-back Clears the width, height, and origin LogicLock region properties from the Entity Settings File (.esf) and back-annotates the width, height, and origin LogicLock region properties used in the last compilation. For example, floating regions remain floating and auto-sized regions remain auto-sized, the Compiler back-annotates only the location, and width and height of the regions, respectively.  More Details

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