LogicLock Regions

Deleting or Disabling Back-Annotated Assignments in a LogicLock Region

To delete back-annotated node assignments in a LogicLock region:

  1. Open the LogicLock Regions window.

  2. Right-click the region you want to delete, and choose Properties (right button pop-up menu).

  3. In the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box, click the Contents tab.

  4. Click Delete Back-Annotated Assignments.

  5. When the Quartus® II software asks you whether you want to delete back-annotated assignments in all descendants, click Yes to delete back-annotated node assignments in the selected region and all of its descendant LogicLock regions, or click No to delete back-annotated node assignments in the selected region only.


To disable back-annotated node locations in a LogicLock region:

  1. Open the LogicLock Regions window.

  2. Right-click the region, and choose Properties (right button pop-up menu).

  3. In the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box, click the Contents tab.

  4. Turn on Disable back-annotated node locations.

  5. Click OK.

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