
Space Edition 2007

innovative programmable logic solutions

Equivalence Checking for FPGA Design

As FPGA designs have grown into the millions of gates, the task of verifying such large designs has become increasingly tedious.

Gate-level simulation with a typical design testbench is often not sufficiently exhaustive to provide good coverage, but the effort to create an exhaustive testbench is not only Herculean, but would also result in lengthy simulation times. By adopting ASIC verification techniques, FPGA designers can use equivalence checkers, such as FormalPro™, to quickly verify designs with 100% coverage, thereby keeping projects on schedule and error-free.

Synthesis and equivalence checking tools can work together to accelerate the verification process, enabling 100% gate-level verification of complex FPGA designs. Equivalence checking takes a gate-level implementation of a design and Equivalence Checking Diagramcompares its functionality to that of a reference model of the same design.

The reference model is either the RTL model of the design or a known correct gate-level implementation. Formal verification tools, such as the Mentor Graphics® FormalPro equivalence checker, use formal proof algorithms to mathematically prove, or disprove, that the two versions are functionally identical.

View excerpts from Mentor Graphics white paper Equivalence Checking for FPGA Design.

Reprogrammable RTAX-S Prototyping

Allows Designers to Use Flash-Based FPGAs

The Aldec/Actel RTAX-S prototyping solution allows aerospace customers to take advantage of Actel's flash-based reprogrammable ProASIC3/E devices for flexible flash-based prototypes.

This new tool allows rapid reconfiguration of development platforms for space-flight computing, permitting faster integration and co-development of hardware and software. As part of the solution, a prototyping adaptor is provided, which maps the footprint of Actel's ProASIC3/E device to the footprint of a radiation-tolerant RTAX-S low-power device. As a result, customers can use the reprogrammable prototyping tool without altering the layout of their space-flight printed circuit board (PCB).

Available now, the complete prototyping solution includes an adapter board, programming kits, and the hardware and software tools needed for design conversion, mixed VHDL and Verilog simulation, mapping, and programming. Pricing is dependent on the target space-optimized RTAX-S device and package.

The Aldec prototyping solution supports the following Actel devices:
  • ProASIC3 device A3P1000-FG484 chip to CQ352 package
  • ProASIC3E device A3PE1500-FG484 chip to CQ352 package
  • All RTAX-S low-power devices are supported by the CQ352 package.

Active-HDL Diagram

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