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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Wave window display

The Wave window provides a graphic display of waveform comparison results. Pathnames of all test signals included in the waveform comparison are denoted by yellow triangles. Test signals that contain timing differences when compared with the reference signals are denoted by a red X over the yellow triangle.

The names of the comparison items take the form <path>/\refSignalName<>testSignalName\. If you compare two signals from different regions, the signal names include the uncommon part of the path.

Timing differences are also indicated by red bars in the vertical and horizontal scroll bars of the waveform display, and by red difference markers on the waveforms themselves. Rectangular difference markers denote continuous differences. Diamond difference markers denote clocked differences. Placing your mouse cursor over any difference marker will initiate a popup display that provides timing details for that difference. You can toggle this popup on and off in the Wave Window Properties dialog (see "Setting Wave window display properties" ).

The values column of the Wave window displays the words "match" or "diff" for every test signal, depending on the location of the selected cursor. "Match" indicates that the value of the test signal matches the value of the reference signal at the time of the selected cursor. "Diff" indicates a difference between the test and reference signal values at the selected cursor.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase