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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

SmartModel Windows

Some models in the SmartModel library provide access to internal registers with a feature called SmartModel Windows. Refer to Logic Modeling's SmartModel library documentation (available on Synopsys' web site) for details on this feature. The simulator interface to this feature is described below.

Window name syntax is important. Beginning in version 5.3c of ModelSim, window names that are not valid VHDL or Verilog identifiers are converted to VHDL extended identifiers. For example, with a window named z1I10.GSR.OR, Modelsim will treat the name as \z1I10.GSR.OR\ (for all commands including lmcwin, add wave, and examine). You must then use that name in all commands. For example,

add wave /top/swift_model/\z1I10.GSR.OR\  

As with all extended identifiers, case is important.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase