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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Command channel

The command channel is a SmartModel feature that lets you invoke SmartModel specific commands. These commands are documented in the SmartModel library documentation. ModelSim provides access to the Command Channel from the command line. The form of a SmartModel command is:

lmc <instance_name>|-all "<SmartModel command>" 

The instance_name argument is either a full hierarchical name or a relative name of a SmartModel instance. A relative name is relative to the current environment setting (see environment command). For example, to turn timing checks off for SmartModel /top/u1:

lmc /top/u1 "SetConstraints Off" 

Use -all to apply the command to all SmartModel instances. For example, to turn timing checks off for all SmartModel instances:

lmc -all "SetConstraints Off" 

There are also some SmartModel commands that apply globally to the current simulation session rather than to models. The form of a SmartModel session command is:

lmcsession "<SmartModel session command>" 

Once again, consult your SmartModel library documentation for details on these commands.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase