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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Creating foreign architectures with sm_entity

The ModelSim sm_entity tool automatically creates entities and foreign architectures for SmartModels. Its usage is as follows:


[-] [-xe] [-xa] [-c] [-all] [-v] [-93] [<SmartModelName>...]


Read SmartModel names from standard input.


Do not generate entity declarations.


Do not generate architecture bodies.


Generate component declarations.


Select all models installed in the SmartModel library.


Display progress messages.


Use extended identifiers where needed.


Name of a SmartModel (see the SmartModel library documentation for details on SmartModel names).

By default, the sm_entity tool writes an entity and foreign architecture to stdout for each SmartModel name listed on the command line. Optionally, you can include the component declaration (-c), exclude the entity (-xe), and exclude the architecture (-xa).

The simplest way to prepare SmartModels for use with ModelSim VHDL is to generate the entities and foreign architectures for all installed SmartModels, and compile them into a library named lmc. This is easily accomplished with the following commands:

% sm_entity -all > sml.vhd
% vlib lmc
% vcom -work lmc sml.vhd 

To instantiate the SmartModels in your VHDL design, you also need to generate component declarations for the SmartModels. Add these component declarations to a package named sml (for example), and compile the package into the lmc library:

% sm_entity -all -c -xe -xa > smlcomp.vhd 

Edit the resulting smlcomp.vhd file to turn it into a package of SmartModel component declarations as follows:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package sml is
	<component declarations go here>
end sml; 

Compile the package into the lmc library:

% vcom -work lmc smlcomp.vhd 

The SmartModels can now be referenced in your design by adding the following library and use clauses to your code:

library lmc;
use lmc.sml.all; 

The following is an example of an entity and foreign architecture created by sm_entity for the cy7c285 SmartModel.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity cy7c285 is
	generic (TimingVersion : STRING := "CY7C285-65";
		DelayRange : STRING := "Max";
		MemoryFile : STRING := "memory" );
	port ( A0 : in std_logic;
		A1 : in std_logic;
		A2 : in std_logic;
		A3 : in std_logic;
		A4 : in std_logic;
		A5 : in std_logic;
		A6 : in std_logic;
		A7 : in std_logic;
		A8 : in std_logic;
		A9 : in std_logic;
		A10 : in std_logic;
		A11 : in std_logic;
		A12 : in std_logic;
		A13 : in std_logic;
		A14 : in std_logic;
		A15 : in std_logic;
		CS : in std_logic;
		O0 : out std_logic;
		O1 : out std_logic;
		O2 : out std_logic;
		O3 : out std_logic;
		O4 : out std_logic;
		O5 : out std_logic;
		O6 : out std_logic;
		O7 : out std_logic;
		WAIT_PORT : inout std_logic );
architecture SmartModel of cy7c285 is
	attribute FOREIGN : STRING;
	attribute FOREIGN of SmartModel : architecture is 
		"sm_init $MODEL_TECH/ ; cy7c285";
end SmartModel; 

Entity details

Architecture details

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase