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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

.wave.tree zoomrange

The .wave.tree zoomrange command lets you set the zoom range for the Wave window. The behavior is the same as the Wave window Zoom > Zoom Range menu selection.

Returns the zoom range as two time values.


.wave.tree zoomrange

f1 f2


f1 f2

Sets the Wave window to zoom from time f1 to f2, where f1 and f2 are floating point numbers. Required.

Either range number may include an optional VHDL resolution time-unit. The resolution and range number must be enclosed in either quotes or curly brackets, see the example below. If not specified the resolution defaults to the UserTimeUnit set in the modelsim.ini file.


vsim 15>.wave.tree zoomrange {.5 us} {1.75 us}
# {500 ns} {1750 ns}

Zooms the Wave window between .5 us and 1.75 us and returns the zoom range in current simulator time units.

See also

.wave.tree zoomfull, .wave.tree zoomin, .wave.tree zoomlast, .wave.tree zoomout

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase