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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

write wave

The write wave command records the contents of the most currently opened or specified Wave window in PostScript format. The output file can then be printed on a PostScript printer.


write wave

[-window <wname>] [-width <real_num>] [-height <real_num>]
-margin <real_num>] [-start <time>] [-end <time>] [-perpage <time>]
-pagecount <n>] [-landscape] [-portrait] <filename>


-window <wname>

Specifies an instance of the Wave window that is not the default. Optional. Otherwise, the default Wave window is used. Use the view command to change the default window.

-width <real_num>

Specifies the paper width in inches. Optional. Default is 8.5.

-height <real_num>

Specifies the paper height in inches. Optional. Default is 11.0.

-margin <real_num>

Specifies the margin in inches. Optional. Default is 0.5.

-start <time>

Specifies the start time (on the waveform time scale) to be written. Optional.

-end <time>

Specifies the end time (on the waveform time scale) to be written. Optional.

-perpage <time>

Specifies the time width per page of output. Optional.

-pagecount <n>

Specifies the number of pages to use horizontally along the time axis. Optional.


Use landscape (horizontal) orientation. Optional. This is the default orientation.


Use portrait (vertical) orientation. Optional. The default is landscape (horizontal).


Specifies the name of the PostScript output file. Required.


write wave

Saves the current data in the Wave window in a file named

write wave -win wave2

Saves the current data in window `wave2' in a file named

write wave -start 600ns -end 800ns -perpage 100ns

Writes two separate pages to as indicated in the illustration (the actual PostScript print out will show all items listed in the Wave window, not just the portion in view):

To make the job of creating a PostScript waveform output file easier, use the File > Print Postscript menu selection in the Wave window. See "Printing and saving waveforms" for more information.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase