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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

virtual log

The virtual log command causes the sim-mode dependent signals of the specified virtual signals to be logged by the kernel. If wildcard patterns are used, it will also log any normal signals found, unless the -only option is used. You unlog the signals using the virtual nolog command.


virtual log

[-kind <kind>]|[-region <path>] [-recursive] [-only] [-in] [-out] [-inout] [-internal] [-ports] [<signalName>|<pattern>]


-kind <kind>

Specifies a subset of virtuals to look at. Optional. <kind> can be any of the following: signals, functions, designs, implicits, and explicits. Unique abbreviations are accepted.

-region <path>

Used in place of -kind to specify a region of design space in which to look for signals to log. Optional.


Specifies that the scope of the search is to descend recursively into subregions. Optional. If omitted, the search is limited to the selected region.


Can be used with a wildcard to specify that only virtual signals (as opposed to all signals) found by the wildcard should be logged. Optional.


Specifies that the kernal log data for ports of mode IN whose names match the specification. Optional.


Specifies that the kernal log data for ports of mode OUT whose names match the specification. Optional.


Specifies that the kernal log data for ports of mode INOUT whose names match the specification. Optional.


Specifies that the kernal log data for internal items whose names match the specification. Optional.


Specifies that the kernal log data for all ports. Optional.


Indicates which signal names or wildcard patterns should be used in finding the signals to log. Required. Any number of names or wildcard patterns may be used.

See also

virtual nolog, Virtual Objects (User-defined buses, and more)

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase