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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The add_menucb command creates a checkbox within the specified menu of the specified window. A checkbox is a small box with a label. Clicking on the box will toggle the state, from on to off or the reverse. When the box is "on", the Tcl global variable <var> is set to <onval>. When the box is "off", the global variable is set to <offval>. Also, if something else changes the global variable, its current state is reflected in the state of the checkbox. Returns nothing.



<window_name> <menu_name> <Text> -variable <var> -onvalue <onval> offvalue <offval> [-indicatoron <val>]



Tk path of the window containing the menu. Required.


Name of the Tk menu widget. Required.


Text to be displayed next to the checkbox. Required.

-variable <var>

Global Tcl variable to be reflected and changed. Required.

-onvalue <onval>

Value to set the global Tcl variable to when the box is "on". Required.

offvalue <offval>

Value to set the global Tcl variable to when the box is "off". Required.

-indicatoron <val>

0 or 1. If 1, the status indicator is displayed. Otherwise it is not displayed. Optional. The default is 1.


add_menucb $wname mine.vars "Feature One" -variable myglobalvar($wname:one) \
                                    -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -indicatoron 1 

See also

add_menu, add_menuitem, add_separator, add_submenu, change_menu_cmd

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase